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时间:2022-09-13 16:01:19 作者:学习啦 字数:2613字


Ancient style


夐古───Ancient style


These classic pieces of furniture imitating ancient style almost look genuine.───古色古香的仿古家具,简直可以乱真.

His work Wen Ti Ming bian is famous in ancient style research.───其所作《文体明辨》是我国古代重要的文体论专著.

Ancient style of decoration, elegant tranquility.───古香古色之装饰, 雅致宁静.

This is not uncommon ancient style, just take care of Health of the people everywhere.───古代这种风格并不少见, 舍生取义之人比比皆是.

She studied books and searched the internet for ideas on design and tailoring ancient style.───她钻研书本并搜索网络来寻求汉服款式的设计概念和裁剪方法.

Now, we can see a huge and beautiful archway built in ancient style.───现在我们可以看到一座具有古代建筑风格的漂亮的大拱门.

Three seamless, magnificent momentum, with the nation's ancient style.───三塔浑然一体, 气势雄伟, 具有古朴的民族风格.

The beautiful shape and ancient style jointly generate the lucky and auspicious festive air.───优美的造型、古色古香的韵味营造出祥和、吉利的气氛。
