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时间:2022-09-13 20:04:02 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2436字


Let's burn some hot water to wash our feet


洗洗脚───Wash your feet;烧───burn


Or you can wash your feet to the mother, while washing while chatting.───或者可以给母亲洗洗脚,一边洗一边聊天。

Wash your feet, and a slave will dry them.───清洗你的脚,有一个设备可以烘干它们。

Why don't you wash your feet?───你为何不去洗你的脚?

Hsueh Pa put some scalding hot water in a basin and said, "Master Lin, please wash your feet and then go to bed. "───薛霸去烧一锅百沸滚汤,倒在脚盆内,叫道:“林教头你也洗了脚好睡。”

Let me stand behind You, Lord! Let me wash Your feet with my tears.───让我伫立祢背后,主!让我挨着祢的脚哭。

Wash your feet up to the ankles.───洗两脚至脚踝。


You should wash your feet and your privates every day.

Then David said to Uriah, Go down to your house, and wash your feet.