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时间:2022-09-13 21:20:33 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2597字


Red flag car


红旗───red flag;车───vehicle


But detectable problems a red flag that there could be problems with a company's production process.───但是发现有问题就是警告某个公司的生产过程可能存在问题了.

You should have been more observant when he stared at you; it was certainly a red flag.───当他盯视你的时候一定是大事不妙, 那时你就应该提高警觉了.

When there is a danger, we hang out the red flag.───有危险的时候, 我们悬挂红旗示警.

See The Red Flag Flies, lamented the author's witty and original spirit.───看《红旗飘》, 最感叹作者的风趣和原创精神.

Then the rain came and the red flag went up to signal a halt.───当时,雨下了起来,红旗被升起,发出停止的信号。

Red Flag officially transitioned from Cope Thunder Exercises in 2006.───红旗演习于2006年由雷霆演习正式变迁而来.

Remember: A red flag means that it is dangerous for anybody go into the water.───记着: 红旗意味着那里很危险,任何人都不能到哪里游泳.

The red flag still fluttered in front of Collins.───那面红旗仍在柯林斯眼前飘动着.
