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时间:2022-09-13 21:49:29 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2614字


Teaching Studio


名师───Famous teacher;工作室───studio


The man who lives next door is a famous teacher.───住在隔壁的那个人是个名师。

The prince went to the world famous teacher of Takkasila.───王子来到达卡斯拉那位世界名师那里。

He spent his time in teaching and became a famous teacher.───他把时间都投入到教学中,成了一位名师。

The world famous teacher respectfully burned his mother's body and offered flowers on her ashes.───这位名师恭敬地埋葬了自己的母亲,并在尸体旁放上了鲜花。

As he was being taken as a prisoner to the king, they passed by the world famous teacher of Benares.───在他们带弥德维达带去见国王的途中,经过了贝拿勒斯那位名师。

The First-class University teachers' aggregate level must be high, but must have master, has the famous teacher.───一流大学师资的总体水平要高,还要有大师,有名师。


I had the great honour to sit under a very famous teacher in my youth.

Mathilde Marchesi ( 1821 –1913 ), a famous teacher of bel canto repertoire.