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时间:2022-09-13 23:01:06 作者:星火作文 字数:2856字


Big class, middle class and small class


大班───Big class;小班───a reception class


Musical Performance Style of Twentieth - Century ( Big Class Mode )───二十世纪音乐演奏风格 ( 大课 ) “,”

This article elaborates that big class bring about low teaching efficiency and individual passiveness.───本文主要针对“大班+小班”教学模式中小班的授课内容和方式提出一些设想.

Therefore, to study different ways to different students in big class is of special significance.───因此,研究班级授课制下的因材施教方法具有特别重要的意义。

Which would you rather have to write and maintain: a big class or a small one that does the same thing?───您希望编写并维护哪一个:一个庞大的类或是具有相同行为的很小的类?

Mr. Chen is equal to managing the big class.───陈先生能胜任管理这个大班级。


This article elaborates that big class bring about low teaching efficiency and individual passiveness.

A big class of nonlinear partial differential equations have progressive wave solutions, which can be transformed into ordinary differential autonomous system.

The article discusses several elements that turn library's public lecture into the big class in modern city, analyzes and introduces these elements on the case of Chengdu library's public lecture.