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时间:2022-09-13 23:07:05 作者:趣历史 字数:3494字


Practice Teaching


行教───Practice Teaching


After improvement, the electrical engineering training practice teaching contents can be summarized as four teaching link, the six big teaching modules.───电气工程训练实践经过改进后的教学内容可概括为四个教学环节、六大教学模块。

Practice teaching is an important form of cultivating engineering students'practical ability and creativity.───实践教学是培养工科学生实践能力和创新能力的重要教学形式.

A set of teaching mode was tallied up through an approach to chemical practice teaching mode.───通过对职业学校化学实践教学模式的探讨,总结了一套行之有效的教学模式。

Communication teaching method and theory combining with practice teaching method adapt to this course.───交际教学法和理论与实践相结合教学法是适合本门课程的教学方法.

Strengthen Practice Teaching to Enhance Students'Professional Skills.───加强实验技能训练使之适应高职教育的需要.

Practice teaching base construction is the hardware of practice teaching, it influences the quality of talents directly.───实践教学基地的建设是实践教学的硬件条件,直接关系到人才培养质量。

Only then so, it can fundamentally make the practice teaching to obtain the good actual effect.───只有如此, 才能从根本上使实践教学取得良好的实效.


As an extension of teaching in school, out-of-school practice teaching is to promote the combination of theoretical knowledge and practice of public security.

Specialized practice teaching; Social work education.

There are also extensive entries on classroom practice, teaching methods, the language laboratory and the psychology of learning.

Accounting practice teaching is a very important link in high vocational accounting education.

The practice teaching of metalworking is an important link in institutes and universities of engineering.