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时间:2022-09-13 23:47:19 作者:语文迷 字数:2437字


Tell him to keep it down


小声───Whisper;一点───one o'clock


She lowered her voice to a vehement whisper.───她压低了嗓音,声音低沉有力。

I've heard a whisper that he's going to resign.───我听到了一个传闻说他准备辞职.

Her voice thinned down to a whisper as people turned to shush her.───当人们回过头来嘘她时,她就放低嗓门讲话了.

They have something to tell us, as the fallen heroes lie in Arlington whisper the ages.───他们向我们述说着什么, 正如在阿灵顿(Arlington)公墓长眠的阵亡英雄在漫漫岁月中的轻声呼唤.

Her voice broke to a whisper when she started to talk about her children.───当她谈到她的孩子的时候她的声音突变为窃窃私语.

All that giggle and whisper is too much for me.───我受不了那些咯咯的笑声和交头接耳的样子.

Her voice dropped to a whisper.───她的讲话声压低而变成耳语.

The winds of change whisper in the trees.───树林中的风在说悄悄话.
