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时间:2022-09-14 00:11:49 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2814字


be good at singing and dancing


歌舞───song and dance;擅长───be good at


She gave her parents a song and dance about why she had to use their car.───她花言巧语地骗她父母她为什么必须用他们的车.

We put on a song and dance performance to welcome the guests.───我们表演歌舞,欢迎来宾.

Song Dynasty was the military song and dance.───原为北宋的军中歌舞.

As song and dance dramas go, this one is no great shakes.───就歌舞剧而言, 这一出戏并无突出之处.

Some of our competitors make quite a song and dance about the outside of their cars.───我们的竞争者中有几个人对他们的汽车外观评论得颇为热烈.

Don't give me a song and dance.───不要对我花言巧语的解释.

When Katlyn Burbidge's son was 6 years old, he was performing some ridiculous song and dance typical of a first-grader.───当凯特琳·伯比奇的儿子6岁时,他在表演一些典型的一年级滑稽歌曲和舞蹈。

My dad had a song and dance act when he was in college.───我爸爸在大学时代是个不论喜怒哀乐都要唠唠叨叨讲个没完的人(或译为:喜欢自我吹嘘的人).


I don't know why Mrs. Scott should have made such a song and dance about her daughter coming home at three o'clock in the morning.