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时间:2022-09-14 03:59:49 作者:星火作文 字数:2931字


Long people


媺人───Long people


How long people continue their therapy can also depend on the cost.───患者持续治疗多久也取决于成本。

These kinds of watches are used in sleep studies as a way of measuring how long people are sleeping, how efficient the sleep is, and whether they are waking up in the night.───这些类型的手表在睡眠研究中被用来测量人们的睡眠时长、睡眠效率,以及他们是否在夜间醒来。

But if it's so obvious, how come for so long people have not realized it?───可是如果这一点真是那么显而易见,缘何长久以来人们就是意识不到呢?

In a small town, there was a music-hall. It was closed all day long. People said there was a ghost inside it .───在一个小镇上,有一座音乐厅,整天大门紧闭。人们传说,音乐厅里有鬼。

This is a very good reason: no one can think of, though not sick, but the moody all day long people would be a healthy person!───这是很有道理的:不能够设想一个虽然不生病,但一天到晚郁郁寡欢的人会是一个健康的人!

Moving north along Jiahe Rd. Now. The procession is at least 300 meters long , people count unclear .───队伍沿嘉禾路往北行进。队伍长约300米,人数不详。


Before long, people are pursuing change for the sake of change.

If the delay is too long, people will not walk through smoke to an emergency exit.