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时间:2022-09-14 04:04:38 作者:趣历史 字数:2526字


Third floor


三楼───Third floor


I helped you lay out the third floor, back.───我帮你拾掇三楼后房.

Smoke was still curling out of shattered third - floor windows.───从三楼破烂的窗口仍不断冒出浓烟向上翻卷.

He jumped out of a third-floor window.───他从3楼的窗户跳了出去。

Your room number is 244 on the third floor.───您的房间号码是三楼的244室.

His office is on the third floor.───他的办公室在三楼.

The library esplanade is located on the third floor of the building.───三楼是图书馆,专门出借艺术类图书和音像资料.

The three rode up in the elevator to the third floor.───这3人乘电梯到达三楼.

They're renting a furnished flat on the third floor.───他们租了四楼的一套带家具的房间.


A small boy tumbled off a third floor fire escape.

We live on the third floor.

It's on the third floor.

Somehow he survived the jump from the third floor of the building.

His office is on the third floor.