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时间:2022-09-15 00:00:24 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3237字


later stage


后期───later stage


At a later stage there arose new problem s which seemed insoluble.───在后期出现了似乎无法解决的新问题.

He joined the army in the later stage of the War of Resistance Against Japan.───他在抗日战争后期参军.

Scholastic achievement increases prediction at the later stage for both males and females.───在后期,学业成就无论对男生或女生都可增加对社交地位的预测力.

In the later stage, corrosion rate is slower and corrosion kinetics follows a linear law approximately.───浸泡后期的腐蚀发展稍慢,近似遵循线性规律.

Data cannot be pushed at a later stage.───数据在后面无法推送。

Synthesis of amino - sulfonic acid - based high performance water - reducer and testing results of later stage concrete were discussed.───本文主要讨论了氨基磺酸系高性能减水剂的合成过程及后期混凝土试验情况.

If you add nodes at a later stage, edit this file.───如果以后再添加新的节点,也请修改这个文件。

Computerization will be discussed in more detail at a later stage.───计算机化将在下文详细讨论.


The frame saw was used at the later stage of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

In later stage in Hebei and Jinbei region, Pagoda shaped jars with gourd-like and bead-like button is very popular.

At a later stage the study will be extended to differences in office skills.

Job wanted graphic designing or image building later stage makes the practice job.

The time-domain analyzing method was suit for later stage of platform design much more for its better treatment with nonlinear problem of deepwater semi-submersible platform motion-response.