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时间:2022-09-15 00:03:15 作者:学习啦 字数:3122字


Undergraduate and graduate students


研究生───graduate student;本科───undergraduate


Back in my days as a graduate student, I know I was.───当我还在就读研究生时, 我知道自己对此深信不疑.

I am graduate student in BUPT ( beijing university of posts and telecommunications ).───我是北邮在读研究生,想提高口语.

A graduate student taught sections for the professor's lecture course.───教授的部分讲座课程由研究生讲授.

First I must pass the exam to be his graduate student.───首先要考上他的研究生.

Pre - requirements: Graduate student, no requirement ; Undergraduate, Molecular biology or Biochemistry.───先修课程: 研究生(无), 大学部学生(先修分子生物学或生物化学).

VI. Are you currently a full - time post - graduate student CUHK?───您目前是否香港中文大学全日制研究生?

Miss Xu Hongqing is a graduate student of English under my supervision.───许虹青小姐是我指导的英语硕士研究生.

You must first pass your exam to be a graduate student.───你首先应该考上你的研究生.


Graduate student organizers at other campuses say the sanctions threatened by Yale are much harsher than any they have faced.

As a graduate student at the London School of Economics I was taught that stock markets were efficient.

Identical dormitory's schoolmate an examination the graduate student completely?

Philip Altzman, a graduate student in physics who wore a yarmulke, said that he was frequently harassed.

As a graduate student, he spent a term at Wichita State University.