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时间:2022-09-15 04:04:14 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2831字


Black bear


玄熊───Black bear


Casey told the rescuers he had hung out with a black bear for two days, a bear he called his "friend".───凯西告诉救援人员,他已经和一只黑熊混在一起两天了,他称这只熊为他的“朋友”。

A big black bug bit the back of a big black bear.───一只大黑臭虫在一只大黑熊的背上咬了一口.

It is a black bear.───这是一头黑熊.

The big black pig bit back the big black bear.───大黑猪回过头来咬大黑熊.

The black bear , the serow and 87 species of birds can be found in this forest.───白神山地的森林中还生活着黑熊、鬣羚和87种鸟类.

There is a black bear.───有一只黑熊。

Many animals in danger live there, such as the golden monkey, the clouded leopard and the Asian black bear.───许多处于危险中的动物生活在那里,如金丝猴、云豹和亚洲黑熊。

A big black bear bit the back of a big black pig.───一只大黑熊在一头大黑猪的背上咬了一口.


What ? How come a black bear?

The remaining black bears are at risk from development in the area.

Black bears are also the animals that hole up in winter.

Bear, black bear, bear, bear, panda, dog.

Four Peaks is home to black bear, deer, javelina, bighorn sheep, mountain lions and other animals.