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时间:2022-09-16 00:03:28 作者:趣历史 字数:2659字


New words


新生词───New words


New words and meanings keep the English language in a state of flux.───新的字和新的字义使英语处于不断变动的情况中.

To master a language, new words and grammatical rules are not enough.───要掌握一门外语, 生词和语法是不够的.

Space science has introduced many new words.───太空科学采用许多新词汇.

There are sixteen new words in the text.───课文中有十六个生词.

There are going to be lots of new words in Lesson 3.───第三课有许多生词.

I was busy looking up all the new words of the lesson in my dictionary.───我忙着在字典里查本课所有的生字.

Try using new words when writing.───试着在写作时使用新单词。

I want to set new words to the old tune.───我想为这支旧曲填新词.


I'm going to try to learn 12 new words each week.

Other new words which might sound familiar include sloane ranger, Rambo, kissogram and decaf.

There are many new words to describe eternal responses and situations.

They are compiling a dictionary of new words.

New words can not be added to this class - hence its name.