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时间:2022-09-16 16:04:40 作者:语文迷 字数:2890字


very patient




The doctors gave numerous examples of patients being expelled from hospital.───医生们列举了大量病人被逐出医院的实例。

The globular seed capsule contains numerous small seeds.───这种球形种子荚里含有大量的小种子。

There have been numerous instances of excessive force on the part of security police.───治安警察滥用武力的实例不胜枚举。

The scoundrel's crimes were too numerous to record.───这个歹徒罪行累累,罄竹难书.

Party activists with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous.───党的激进分子中有很多出身于中产阶级下层.

Numerous Umbrian towns hold their own summer festivals of music, theatre, and dance.───很多翁布里亚小镇举办自己的夏季音乐、戏剧和舞蹈节。

Scientific development meant the growth of numerous professions ancillary to medicine.───科技发展意味着许多医学衍生职业的增长。

He was asked to sit on numerous committees.───他受邀担任过许多委员会的委员。


Party activists with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous.

The doctor has cured numerous people of appendicitis.

It's a difficult piece, with numerous changes of tempo.

Numerous marriages now end in divorce.

Numerous Umbrian towns hold their own summer festivals of music, theatre, and dance.