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时间:2022-09-16 20:01:14 作者:学习啦 字数:2744字


Burn things




Kurt watched the Pelicans fire their jets and scorch the grass.───库尔特看着鹈鹕运兵船点火,它们的喷焰把草烧焦.

Toss it off, don't leave any heeltap, scorch your throat and be happy.───一饮而尽, --不要剩底儿 -- 烧焦你的喉咙,要找幸福!

That material will scorch easily if it is too near the fire.───那种材料如果太靠近火很容易被烤焦.

The leaves are inclined to scorch in hot sunshine.───树叶在炙热的阳光下易变枯黄。

The leaves are inclined to scorch in hot sunshine.───叶子在酷热的阳光下容易枯黄。

The leaves will scorch if you water them in the sun.───在太阳底下浇水,叶子会枯。

Make it aleatoric burn, then it can scorch a heart.───让它任意燃烧, 那它就会把一颗心烧焦.

I could not wash away the mark of the scorch.───我洗不掉这焦痕.


The fire left scorch marks halfway up the wall.

Direct sunlight will scorch the plant's leaves.

This shirt is ruined - there's a big scorch mark on the back.

Bits of food left on the grill will scorch, burn, and become bitter when they are reheated.

The meat will scorch if you don't lower the gas.