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时间:2022-09-16 20:02:33 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2575字


Screen out function


熄屏───Turn off the screen;功能───function


Another program that USES the G-sensor. You can turn off the screen, turning and holding the phone upside down.───又一款重力感应关屏幕的软件,把手机由上向下晃动实现关屏。

The effective barrier to indoor storm hit, with wind rain, due to the reflection of the airflow, even if the air conditioning is not turn off the screen, can be a free exchange of fresh air.───有效阻隔风雨对室内的侵袭,具有防风挡雨的功能,由于气流的反射作用,即使开空调也不用关闭纱窗,可自由交换新鲜空气。

Kuhl has already found that making the TV screen interactive, so babies can turn it on and off by slapping it, increases - a little bit - how much they learn.───库尔已经发现,通过电视屏幕上的互动,婴儿学会通过拍打来打开和关闭,为增加——一点点——了解他们可以学习多少。

There is now an option to turn off the screen edge damage flash when you have a fullscreen UI up.───现在界面中有一个选项,可以关闭“在看大地图时受到伤害,大地图边缘变红”动画效果。
