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时间:2022-09-17 04:00:14 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2919字


An expensive shirt




The house was too expensive and too big. Besides, I'd grown fond of our little rented house.───这座房子太贵太大了。再说,我已经喜欢上我们租的小房子了。

The new office block has become an expensive white elephant.───这座新办公大楼成了昂贵的摆设。

Skiing gear can be expensive.───滑雪用具有时会很昂贵。

They are very expensive, I presume?───我想这些东西很贵吧?

The upkeep of a yacht is very expensive.───游艇的维修保养费是很昂贵的.

He felt a real country bumpkin, sitting in that expensive restaurant, not knowing which cutlery to use.───他觉得自己像个土老帽儿, 坐在高级餐厅里, 不知道该用哪一件餐具.

GATT member countries have largely agreed to replace expensive and inefficient protectionist policies with a competitive free market system for world trade.───关贸总协定的成员国已大体上同意在全球贸易中用竞争性的自由市场体制取代代价高且效率低的保护主义政策。

It became increasingly expensive to hire casual workers.───雇用临时工越来越贵了。


The best grades of tea are expensive.

The company is backtracking from its more expensive plans.

The diamond ring is the most expensive.

It is too expensive for me to buy.

She was wearing an expensive new outfit.