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时间:2022-09-17 12:03:06 作者:语文迷 字数:2433字


Guide and support


导养───Guide and support


To realize Lvse technological innovation needs the guide and support from Lvse culture.───实现绿色技术创新,需要绿色文化的引导和支持。

I am Archangel Michael and I come to guide and support you at this time.───我是大天使麦克,此时来为你们提供指导和支持。

Greetings dear ones we come to guide and support and to help YOU move out of the illusion that dissolves as we communicate.───亲爱的朋友们,我们再次来到你们身边,引导你们,帮助你们继续从正在消逝幻象中走出来。

travel guide, including the rectangular guide and support the long-vacant rail set up composed of an array column .───行车导轨,包括矩型长导轨及支撑悬空架设导轨的数组立柱组成

The administrative departments for cultural relics shall guide and support the activities of such mass protective organizations.───文物行政主管部门应当对群众性文物保护组织的活动给予指导和支持。
