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时间:2022-09-18 16:02:08 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3067字


Total score


总成绩───Total score


total score 40 38 43───总分 40 38 43

group that won with the highest total score for the day was awarded prizes.───当天得分最高的一组会获得奖励。

Press any key to see the total score!───按任何的见到总得分的关键!

The total score of WHOQOL was 34 - 99, and the mean score was ( 73.2±11.9 )───WHOQOL总分34~99分, 平均 ( 73.2±11.9 ) 分.

Results The total score of the responsiveness of inpatients was 7.52.───结果银川市住院病人的卫生系统反应性总水平为7.52.

Consequently, we work with a 20-point scale, so that the maximum total score of the site is 100.───因此,我们使用了一个20分的尺度范围,这样网站的最高分值就是100。

His total score of 1283.5 points was also a new national record.───而最终1283.5环的总成绩,也打破了全国纪录.

His total score was one hundred and fifty five.───他的总分是一百五十五分.


The total score of SCL-90 was negatively correlated with problem-solving and coping style, and positively correlated with self-accusation, fancy and rationalization. Con...

His total score was one hundred and fifty five.

Results Physical aspect, psychological aspect, social function, duty capability, self-health consciousness and TDL total score of QOL was worse than that of normal controls.

Results The total score of the responsiveness of inpatients was 7.52.

Your total score is 4 partial fraction mean values, the fractional part according to rounds up the law to leave.