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时间:2022-09-18 16:03:42 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2852字


These lovely koalas are from Australia




Koala: The Living Teddy BearKoala bears are cute mammals that resemble a cuddly teddy bear.───考拉熊是一种非常可爱的哺乳动物,这和可爱的泰迪熊很像.

A baby koala is as small as a jelly bean.───一只树袋熊宝宝就像一块胶质软糖那么小.

Koala bears like eating eucalyptus leaves very much and they sleep a long time every day.───考拉熊象吃玉树非常离开并且他们睡觉久时光每天.

As you can see, here we have the pandas, kangaroos, and koala bears.───就如你们所见, 这边我们有熊猫 、 袋鼠跟无尾熊相关数据.

She has not seen a koala.───她不曾见过无尾熊.

S. has listed the koala bear as a threatened species.───美国曾将考拉熊列为濒临物种.

The body of the Koala is the hanlde and it contains a rattle.───树熊的身体就是它的握手,它的里面也有一个摇铃.

Indeed, everything about the koala seems slow.───的确, 无尾熊的一切似乎都很慢.


The koala is unique to Australia.

The koala is a nocturnal, tree dwelling marsupial mammal.

The koala is listed among Australia's endangered animals.

The Australian Government gave us a koala bear as a gesture of friendship.

Zip: Look! There's a koala bear over there.