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时间:2022-09-18 20:03:03 作者:星火作文 字数:2883字


The waves follow


澜倒波───Back wave;随───along with


It can wave back when visitors wave at it.───游客向它挥手的时候它也会挥手致意。

Yangtze River back wave pushes front wave, front wave dies on the beach.───长江后浪推前浪, 前浪死在沙滩上.死在沙滩上的就是保守思想者.

Yangtze River back wave pushes front wave, front wave dies on the beach.───长江后浪推前浪,前浪死在沙滩上的英文怎么说?

Yangtze River back wave front wave, front wave dies on the beach.───长江后浪推前浪, 前浪死在沙滩上的英文怎么说?

crosswell seismic data processing mainly consists of two aspects: one is crosswell tomography imaging processing, and another is crosswell back wave stacking imaging processing.───井间地震资料数据处理主要包括两个方面:井间层析成像处理和井间反射波叠加成像处理两大部分。


Yangtze River back wave front wave, front wave dies on the beach.

The radar back wave and evolution of cloud types in satellite nephogram provides the basis for the slight fluctuating route of the ′KONI′.

The crosswell seismic data processing mainly consists of two aspects: one is crosswell tomography imaging processing, and another is crosswell back wave stacking imaging processing.

Yangtze River back wave pushes front wave, front wave dies on the beach.