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时间:2022-09-19 00:01:33 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2852字


The gap




Was her heart not wrung by the thought of Arthur's crime and Helen's estrangement?───想起亚瑟的错误和海伦对她的疏远,她难道不觉得心如刀割 吗 ?

At present, our central task concerning the nationalities is to work for unity and end estrangement.───现在我们民族工作的中心任务是搞好团结,消除隔阂.

Now that the country has embarked on a return to democracy, Commonwealth heads of government have agreed to end the estrangement.───既然该国已开始恢复民主,英联邦政府首脑们已同意结束这种疏远的关系。

The quarrel led to a complete estrangement between her and her family.───这一争吵使她同家人完全疏远了.

The trip will bring to an end years of estrangement between the two countries.───此行将会结束两国多年来的疏远关系。

Who would want the pain of a broken marriage or estrangement from a grown child?───有谁愿经历破裂婚姻或与已长大的儿女不和所带来的痛苦?

This could be the cause of a dispute that may result in estrangement.───有可能会发生争执,导致瓜葛疏远.

Difficulties with your mate may lead to estrangement.───双鱼座:本周双鱼和伴侣的相处会导致双方的疏远.


They finally came together after years of estrangement.