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时间:2022-09-19 04:03:24 作者:语文迷 字数:2988字






Liverpool's latest signing Dirk Kuyt has been handed squad number 18.───红军刚签下的库伊特将身穿18号球衣.

As soon as they were safely back to shore, Dirk raced for the nearest phone.───他们一安全抵岸,德克就飞快地奔向最近的电话。

These were things Dirk wasn't used to doing.───这些是Dirk过去不习惯做的。

Nancy wasn't sure if Dirk was making a pass at her.───南希不确定德克是不是在勾引她。

For example, you can connect as user "dirk."───例如,您可以作为用户“dirk”进行连接。

Dirk Enke tr ? gt ein schwarzes Polohemd, eine schwarze Jeans und schwarze Lederschuhe.───在写字台上有台开着的笔记本电脑, 在它前面是一张哀悼的卡片.

And what about the Dallas Mavericks and Dirk Nowitzki?───那达拉斯小牛队和诺维斯基 呢 ?

Viewers will remember the dashing hero, Dirk, risking life and limb to rescue Daphne from the dragons.───观众不会忘记风度翩翩的男主角德克冒着生命危险把达芙妮从恶龙爪下救出的情形。


With his dirk he cut her free.

Dirk , nearly sixteen, is a crack shot.

As a producer and processor of organic products, Dirk is a successful and independent supplier of the current market demand.

Barry's speech followed Dirk Bogarde's appearance, and was an inevitable anticlimax.

This was the film that tempted Dirk Bogarde back to the cinema after a 13-year absence.