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时间:2022-09-19 08:01:55 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2804字


Make sense of


凑理───Make sense of


I tried to make sense of it, but I couldn't.───我努力想理解它的意思, 但是我理解不了.

Can you make sense of what she says?───你懂得她说的是什么意思 吗 ?

We read it through, but could not make sense of it.───我们看了一遍, 但不明白它说些什么.

Like bats, they send out sound waves and make sense of their environment from the echoes they receive back.───像蝙蝠一样,它们发出声波,然后根据收到的回音来了解周围的环境。

They tried to make sense of her mumblings.───他们试图听明白她在嘟哝些什么。

Can you make sense of what this writer is saying?───你能了解这个作家在讲什么 吗 ?

People tend to make sense of relationship by kinship.───隐喻是人类认知的工具,人类通过亲属关系隐喻来理解世界上的其他关系.

Can you make sense of this poem?───你看得懂这首诗 吗 ?


Can you make sense of this poem?

What is there to help me make sense of things?

They tried to make sense of her mumblings.

She tried to make sense of the dozens of scrawled, mostly incoherent pages Vilma sent in return.

Any foundationalist has a duty to make sense of the possibility that there be non-inferentially justified beliefs.