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时间:2022-09-19 08:03:49 作者:趣历史 字数:3278字


Honey bee


素心───Plain heart;蜜蜂───honeybee


The brocade lotus is got a fright, ambitioned to detect out jocose trace from the face of vegetable heart, plain heart in always seriousness of appearance where be favor is joking.───锦莲被吓了一跳,想从素心的脸上找到开玩笑的痕迹,可素心一本正经的样子哪里像在说笑。

Her heart began to thump and she felt herself changing into a stiff, plain, silent child again.───她的心开始怦怦地跳,她觉得自己又变成了一个相貌平平、拘谨、沉默寡言的孩子。

true plain heart do in the faces rest.───痛苦的心必须面对现实。

As a may be revised to not achieve the realm of mind tend to dull the need to practice, the need to process plain heart really difficult.───做为一个凡夫俗子,也许是修为没达到境界,心境趋于平淡,需要修炼,需要过程,心真的难以平淡。

Semidouble fuchsia pansy. Variegated green and white, plain, heart-shaped. Semiminiature.───半重瓣樱花色菫型花。绿色,白色组合的斑叶,叶面平坦,心型叶。半迷你型。

Variegated dark green, pink and tan, plain, heart-shaped, pointed. Large.───深绿色,粉红色和黄褐色组合成的心状平坦斑叶。大型。


Single purple - red star. Medium green , plain , heart - shaped to ovate, hairy. Standard.

Double yellow and white pansy. Medium green, plain, heart - shaped, pointed, serrated. Semiminiature.

Semidouble wine frilled pansy. Variegated dark green, pink and tan , plain, heart - shaped , pointed. Large.

TL variegated medium green, plain, heart - shaped, glossy. Standard.

Semidouble - double royal blue - purple. TL variegated medium green, plain, heart - shaped, glossy. Standard.