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时间:2022-09-19 12:02:14 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3127字






You are always willing to Chollima the Pentium.───愿你是永远奔腾的千里马.

A Pentium 100 can easily fill a T 1 with traffic.───奔腾100能够轻易的满足T1的流量.

Or when Intel learned that its Pentium chip contained a math error.───或者那次英特尔发现奔腾芯片存在数学错误的事件.

Intel Pentium: Intel Inside.───英特尔奔腾: 给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”.

Blessing of the Tibetan Plateau in the Pentium covered across the rainbow world.───在铺满祝福的青藏高原上奔腾,跨越彩虹天地.

An old Pentium 133 will be sufficient for development or a small personal site.───一台旧的奔腾133对于开发或者小型的个人站点来说是足够的.

Pentium horse racing, is a good rider on the master.───驰骋奔腾的骏马, 靠的是好骑手的驾驭.

As the gap between large, water - rich, Pentium roaring river, forming many rapids rapids.───由于落差大, 水量丰富, 江水奔腾咆哮, 形成多处急流险滩.


That question becomes increasingly important as the Pentium class of personal computers moves through its lifespan.

The Pentium chip-powered machines will run at 133 megahertz or more and cost about $ 2, 500.

The company also showed off a new 166-megahertz Pentium Presario computer by launching games that place great demands on the processor.

Id says Quake requires a Pentium, though it will run slowly on a 66 or 100 megahertz 80486.

By comparison, older Pentium computers are surrounded by chips that can transfer data at up to 50 megabytes per second.