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时间:2022-09-19 12:04:02 作者:学习啦 字数:2280字


Dirty respect


污尊───Dirty respect


You pretend to have some sort of respect for me; and yet you'll stand up and throw mud at Harvey Merrick, whose soul you couldn't dirty and whose hands you couldn't tie.───你们对我装出几分尊敬,却往哈维·梅里克身上泼脏水;他的灵魂,你们无法玷污,他的双手,你们无法束缚。

You on the innocent Souls of ridicule and humiliation, at least you did not respect life, the whole world to see your soul of the dirty, more than 1 billion people at the same time curse you!───你对无辜的亡灵嘲讽和侮辱,你对生命没有起码的尊重,全世界看到了你灵魂的肮脏,十几亿人同时在诅咒你!

However, as the job they do is dirty, many people do not respect them, looking down on them.───然而,他们的工作却是脏脏的,很多人都不尊重他们,看不起他们。
