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时间:2022-09-19 20:01:06 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2673字


Moving Around




Let's have a nice little stroll, shall we?───咱们去好好散散步,好吗?

A moonlight stroll on the beach sounds like a great way to end the evening.───在洒满月光的海滩上散步,以次作为这个晚上的结尾曲,这听起来很棒.

She looked back up the lighted step, and then affected to stroll up the street.───在大门口,她又回身朝上看着灯光下的楼梯.随后她装着在马路上遛达的样子慢慢往前走.

It was too hot even for a gentle stroll.───天太热,连慢慢散步都吃不消。

In a nice environment, it feels really good a stroll a look at the scenery.───在这么好的环境里散散步,看看景色, 心情真的很不错哦.

They look happy and relaxed as they stroll in the sunshine on a shopping trip.───他们漫步于阳光下购物,看上去悠然惬意。

They went for a stroll along the waterfront.───他们沿着滨水区漫步。

Would you stroll into a police station afterward and take a guy hostage?───你会事后晃进警察局抓个人作人质 么 ?


You will be able to stroll at leisure through the gardens.