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时间:2022-09-20 00:03:26 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2774字


You can't be moved


感动───be moved;不───no


Meanwhile, let us not be moved by the rough side of a shepherd lass's tongue.───在此同时, 请大家不要因为这个牧羊丫头出言不逊而动肝火.

Each stone had to be moved by hand and in position.───每块石头都得用手搬放到它的位置上.

I kept expecting that I would be moved somewhere else.───我一直以为我会被搬到别的地方去。

The rain mired the cart and it couldn't be moved.───下雨使马车陷入泥坑而无法前进。

The family had to be moved because of an attack on their home.───这家人在住处遭受袭击后,只好举家迁往别处。

The geriatric patients will be moved out.───老年病人将会搬出去。

My armored divisions must be moved to the coast.───我的装甲师必须全部开往海岸.

He would be moved sideways, rather than demoted.───他会被平级调动而不是降级。


He refused to be moved by either threats or blandishments.

Two huge boulders had to be moved out of the way before the trucks could get through.

She won't be moved - it doesn't matter what you say to her.

The plate can be moved from side to side and backwards for tight corners.

In early spring came my turn to be moved.