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时间:2022-09-20 04:04:30 作者:星火作文 字数:2478字


Libra girl


天秤座───libra;女生───girl student


Anyone born between September 23 and October 22 is a Libra.───如果你的生日是在9月23日和10月22日之间,那么你的星座就是天秤座.

Libra, you're not content to just laze around a secluded villa.───天秤: 秤子可不会满足于仅在偏远的别墅里混日子.

LIBRA: keeps saying " don't I look adorable in this apron? "───天秤座 不停地嘟哝着 “ 穿上这条围裙的我看上去是不是很可爱? ”

The 7 th reflects the lesson of Libra: share or separate.───第七宫反映天秤的启示:分 享或分离.

You are certain to feel comfortable talking to a Libra.───和天秤座的人谈话,肯定会让你觉得很舒服.

The New Moon takes place in your opposite sign of Libra on the 15th.───15日新月会移至你对面的天秤宫。

Gemini a Mutable Sign and Libra a Cardinal Sign.───双子是变动星座,天秤是本位星座.

Libra The Balance, in astronomy, appearing during the spring.───平衡, 在天文学, 出现在春季.
