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时间:2022-09-20 08:01:08 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2385字


My brother loves you


哥哥───brother;爱你───love you


He had to look after his invalid brother.───他不得不照看他有病的弟弟.

She differs from her brother in character.───她与她哥哥性格不同.

Your brother is making a fool of you.───你哥哥在戏弄你。

I enjoy your company, but your brother bores me.───我喜欢和你交往, 但你的哥哥令我厌烦.

He's the diametrical opposite of his brother.───他和他的弟弟截然不同。

His elder brother is a sergeant.───他哥哥是个警官.

He is taller than his brother.───他比他的兄弟长得高.

He loved his brother deeply.───他深爱自己的哥哥。


Is your brother still in the navy?

Her brother was born blind .

One brother is a cashier and the other sells.

My brother and I differ in many ways.

Our baby brother is an addition to our family.