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时间:2022-09-20 12:03:42 作者:星火作文 字数:2828字






We must pick up the pieces of our political defeat, and start working towards the next election.───我们在政治上失败后必须重整旗鼓, 开始为下次的竞选进行工作.

He finally conceded defeat.───他最终承认了失败.

They inflicted a humiliating defeat on the home team.───他们使主队吃了一场很没面子的败仗。

If the government does not yield, it should face sufficient military force to ensure its certain and swift defeat.───如果政府不让步,它就会面临重兵围困,必将迅速落败。

Our defeat may be the preface to our successor's victory.───我们的失败可能是我们后继者获胜的开端.

Barbara looked increasingly downcast as defeat loomed.───当败象已呈时,芭芭拉看上去越来越沮丧。

I always turn adversity and defeat into victories, but it's probably put ten years on me.───我总是能够扭转逆境,反败为胜,但这可能让我显得老成了10岁。

Don't let this defeat dishearten you.───不要因这次失败而气馁。


He was bad-tempered and graceless in defeat.

They narrowly avoided defeat in the semi-final.

It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.

The coach analyzed the cause of our defeat.

The battle ended in a humiliating defeat.