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时间:2022-09-20 12:05:17 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3084字


course of treatment


疗程───course of treatment


The second diagnosis has the advantage of explaining why the first course of treatment has failed.───第二种诊断优势在于说明白了为什么第一疗程失败告终。

Quick short course of treatment.───疗程短见效快.

A new antibiotic requires only a three-day course of treatment.───一种新的抗生素只需要三天疗程。

The patient is responding well to the new course of treatment.───病人现在对新疗程反应良好.

Objective : To explore the method for judgment of prognosis of peripheral paralysis and course of treatment.───目的: 探讨判断周围性面瘫的预后和疗程的捡测方法.

All the patients had received androgen - blocking therapies during the course of treatment to suppress tumor growth.───所有病人都在治疗期间接受了雄激素阻断治疗以抑制肿瘤的生长.

Conclusion CT imaging can guide the course of treatment of DAR therapy on acute pancreatitis.───结论急性胰腺炎的CT表现可以作为DAR疗法治疗急性胰腺炎疗程的判断标准.

How is your patient reacting to the course of treatment?───你的病人对这一治疗的疗程有何反应 吗 ?


The average bill for a course of treatment will go up from £20 to £60.

One patient had recently finished a course of treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis.

Naturally, the course of treatment depends on the root cause of the insomnia.

One full course of treatment costs as little as 5 pence, and can save a life.

What is the best course of treatment?