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时间:2022-09-20 16:02:05 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2733字


The director said to start




They determined to start early.───他们决定早点出发。

It's getting cold. We'd better start wearing our padded jackets.───天冷了, 棉衣该上身了.

If you want to acquire profound knowledge, you must start from the ABC.───要想造就高深的学问, 就得从基础学起.

The great railway lines of England all start from London.───英国的铁路干线都以伦敦为起点.

The announcer gave out that the 3:30 train to Manchester would start from Platform 4.───播音员通知:三点三十分开往曼彻斯特的火车将从4号站台发车.

The party leader exhorted his members to start preparing for government.───该党领袖敦促党员着手准备筹建政府。

The business folded up despite its brave start.───生意虽然开始时很成功,但终于失败了.

The machine will start running as soon as the electric current is turned on.───电流一接通,机器就立刻开始运转.


The best professional musicians start young.

Our bus won't start because the battery is flat.

They used dry twigs to start the fire.

Start each paragraph on a new line.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.