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时间:2022-09-20 20:00:46 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2649字


What's upstairs




I found this book kicking around upstairs; is it yours?───我发现这本书被丢在楼上, 是你的 吗 ?

He's upstairs unpacking his bags.───他在楼上打开他的旅行袋取出东西。

He is waiting in the upstairs hall.───他正在楼上的大厅里等候.

I went upstairs for my afternoon siesta.───我上楼去睡午觉.

He took her arm and hurried her upstairs so that they wouldn'tbe overheard.───他挽起她的手臂,带她匆匆上了楼,这样别人就听不见他们说的话了。

Frances invited them to occupy the upstairs of her home.───弗朗西丝邀请他们住在她家的楼上。

It would not have surprised me if someone had opened fire on us from an upstairs window.───假如有人从楼上的窗户向我们开枪,我不会觉得意外.

He went upstairs and knocked at the door.───他上楼敲门.


I can hear somebody moving about upstairs.

Moira walked upstairs to change her clothes.

I went upstairs and had a shower.

He went upstairs and changed into fresh clothes.

I heard sounds of raucous laughter upstairs.