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时间:2022-09-20 20:03:46 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2571字


both intelligent and courageous


智勇───Wisdom and courage;兼全───Complete


Wish time, give us wisdom and courage, on the road, always go on.───愿时间,赋予我们智慧和勇气,在这条道路上,一直走下去。

Wish not for things, but for wisdom and courage.───不奢求物质,只追求智慧和勇气。

Pray not for things, but for wisdom and courage.───祈求得到什么东西,但可以祈求智慧和勇气。

With our ideal of wisdom and courage of unfurling sails, with our youth and life of the era played a strong voice.───用我们的智慧和勇气扬起理想的风帆,用我们的青春和生命奏响时代的强音。

us use Let the wisdom and courage to raise the ideal sail, with youth and life played a strong note of the times.───让我们用智慧和勇气扬起理想的风帆,用青春和生命奏响时代的强音。

Let us work together with wisdom and courage to build such a new order and advance the lofty cause of peace and development for mankind.───让我们拿出智慧和勇气,为推动建立这种新秩序,为人类和平与发展的崇高事业,团结奋斗,携手共进。
