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时间:2022-09-21 00:02:26 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2655字


Military training speech


军训───Military training;感言───recollections


Military training of every junior high school students entered the high school prerequisite courses the door.───军训是每个初中生跨进高中大门的必备课程.

The military training differs from one unit to another.───各部队的训练是不同的.

I maintained that military training should be given to all students.───我坚持所有的学生应全受军训.

But when I entered junior high school and had the military training.───后来,我升初中的时候,参加了军训。

Military training fits men to make long marches.───军训使人能适应长途行军.

Beihang officials canceled military training activities on October 30.───10月30日这天,北航校方取消了军训活动。

During military training , we were denied nearly every creature comfort imaginable for a whole three months.───在整整的三个月军训中, 任何物质享受都与我们绝缘.

They are having military training these days.───这些天,他们一直在军训.


Even the years of military training had not muscled him into hardness.