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时间:2022-09-21 03:59:48 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3283字




朝汉───Han Dynasty;台───platform


Western Han Dynasty the temple built on the Hengshan.───西汉初年,恒山就建有寺庙.

The Eastern Han dynasty, again was given the title A Ling Hou.───东汉初年,阿陵再次被封为侯国.

Since the Western Han Dynasty, it has been the custom of climbing on the Chongyang Festival.───自西汉以来,在重阳节登高就成了习俗。

" The Capital Gazatte " , first published in the Han Dynasty ( 206 B.C. - 220 A . D . ), was the earliest newspaper in the world.───创始于中国汉代的《邸报 》 是世界上最早的报纸.

There are complicated connections between Sima Qian and Confucism of Han Dynasty.───司马迁与汉代经学之间有着复杂关系.

The article points out, the Han Dynasty - Lu - rank officials of grade mark.───文章指出, 汉代以禄秩标志官员等级.

The Western Han Dynasty ( 206 B.C. - a . D .23 . ) was very powerful during Emperor Wudi's reign.───汉武帝时,西汉国势已经非常强盛.

Why is divided into Han and Eastern Han Dynasty?───为何会划分西汉和东汉?是如何划分的?


The defence policy of Dong Han Dynasty had relation with the politics . the economy , the military system and the idea concept.

The laws in the Han Dynasty also stipulated that women enjoyed the right of property inheritance, which embodied their economic status in the family and society.

They exhibited unearthed cultural relics of the Han Dynasty.

Since the Western Han Dynasty, infantryman rose in a large amount.

Sima Biao's Xuhanshu (continuation of historiography of han dynasty)was annotated by Liu Zhao. As an annotation bookmaking , it's a distinguished achievement in Wei, Jin, South and North Dynasties.