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时间:2022-09-21 08:01:55 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2830字


The principal translated




More fundamentally, scenario families do not translate easily into plans for action.───更根本的问题是, 情境群并不容易解释成实践计画.

Can you translate this letter for me?───你能为我翻译这封信吗?

Can you translate French into English and English into French?───你能将法文翻成英文 吗 ?或是英文翻成法文?

The interpreter at this dinner even managed to translate jokes and witticisms without losing the point.───这次宴会的翻译甚至能设法把笑话和俏皮话不失其妙意地翻译出来.

Can you translate from French into English?───你能把法语译成英语 吗 ?

Ask for an interpreter who could translate spoken German into Dutch gain time for replies.───要求找一个能将德语译成荷兰语的翻译,拖延作出答复的时间.

Most poetry does not translate well.───大多翻译不好。

She was skilled enough in French to translate a novel.───她法语娴熟,足以翻译小说.


These jokes would be far too difficult to translate.

He doesn't understand Greek, so I offered to translate.

Translate the text from Italian into English.

Artists translate their ideas into visual images.

I don't speak Greek so Dina offered to translate for me.