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时间:2022-09-21 20:03:39 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2413字


paternal uncle


阿父───paternal uncle


What daughter the house want a paternal uncle house to get marital, all is to talk idly, if so, the son still carries on the kin lines of baby, he can consumedly square square of connect to walk.───什么女儿家要从父家出嫁,全都是扯淡,如果这样,儿子还是传宗接代的宝贝呢,他都能大大方方的接走。

David Henry was named after a recently deceased paternal uncle, David Thoreau.───大卫·亨利以新近去世的叔叔大卫·梭罗命名。

My uncle has a paternal concern for my welfare.───我的舅舅像父亲一样的关爱我。

"Xinli? " then my paternal uncle glanced at me.───“新立?”表叔看了看我。

My paternal uncle's bike bumped along the road and took me to Daliwang.───表叔的自行车颠颠簸簸的将我带到了大里王。


At the home of his paternal uncle he was very much at home.