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时间:2022-09-22 04:03:19 作者:学习啦 字数:2637字


Military display


军鞞───Military display


But some observers are questioning whether the display of military power will simply galvanise the hardliners inside the isolated country, he says.───不过,他也表示一些观察家质疑军事力量的展示是否会使得这个封闭的国家中的强硬派有所行动。

shows there is a lot of healthy competition in the international defence community," he said, comparing the display of military hardware to China's first spacewalk in September.───他表示,“这表明,国际防务业界存在许多有益的竞争。”他还把中国的军事装备展示与9月份中国首次太空行走进行了对比。

Those of them that were spotted with white reflected the sunshine in dazzling brilliancy, and the polished brass knobs on their horns glittered with something of military display.───那些身上有白点的奶牛皮毛光亮,把阳光反射过来,使人日炫,它们的犄角上套着发亮的铜箍,就像是某种兵器闪耀着光辉。

This pompous military display strikes, however, a discordant note in the framework of a festival devoted entirely to arts.───然而这壮丽的军事奉演给完全用于艺术的节日基调带来了不协和音。
