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时间:2022-09-22 08:00:17 作者:星火作文 字数:2482字


Ren Yang


任养───Ren Yang


Wu J. g, C. D. Liu, Y. L. Ren, G. H. Yang and C. H. Shi, Rapid test method of rice chalkiness based on computer vision system.───吴建国、刘长东、任玉玲、杨国花和石春海,基于计算机视觉的稻米垩白指标快速测定方法研究。

Ren SL, Song WB. Mucous cells in the alimentary tract of meretrix meretrix. Journal of Fisheries of China, 2005 (04).───任素莲,宋微波。文蛤消化道粘液细胞研究。水产学报,2005 (04)。

TCM indicates:The 6 Yang channels and the Ren and Du channels circulate over the head. Congested channels will cause the blocking of blood circulation in the head and lead to headache and dizziness.───中医理论表明:人体有六条阳经及任督二脉过头循环,经络的不畅会导致头部气血循环受阻,引发头疼头晕。

This is online map of the address "Ren Yang Xiang Dong Yao Wen Cun , Yongji City, Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province, China" .───这是地址“中国山西省运城市永济市任阳乡东姚温村”匹配的在线电子地图。
