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时间:2022-09-22 08:04:30 作者:星火作文 字数:2806字


I think he's very relaxing




I didn't know what I had expected of him , and I had taken no chances with him, but now I found that I could relax a little.───起初我摸不清他的底,因此对他一直存有戒心, 而我现在可以放心一些了.

Relax, kid, we're not about to roust you. We just want some information.───别紧张,孩子,我们不会为难你的。我们只是需要一些信息。

Let's just relax and enjoy ourselves.───咱们轻松一下,好好享受享受。

Never relax your vigilance while you live in peace.───你们要居安思危.

She's always got a worry list a mile long. I wish she'd just relax and enjoy life.───她总是忧虑重重. 我希望她能想开点,愉快地生活.

Keep at it, don't relax!───继续努力, 不要泄劲!

You must not relax in your efforts.───你不要松懈.

Home spas or mini whirlpools massage and relax, and can be fitted into the bath.───家庭热水澡桶或是小型涡流浴缸能够按摩并放松身体,可以安装在浴室中。


He stretched and flexed his knees to relax himself.

Deeply relax all your muscles.

Don't tense your shoulders, just relax.

I ought to relax and stop worrying about it.

I don't know. Just relax, I'll help you.