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时间:2022-09-22 20:03:41 作者:趣历史 字数:2381字


Don't be late and leave early


早退───Leave early;不───no


On this particular occasion Hurstwood wished to leave early.───这一次赫斯渥想早点离家.

He agrees I can leave early on Friday.───他同意我逢星期五早走.

May I have permission to leave early?───可以让我早点走 吗 ?

Please could I leave early today?───请问,我今天早走一会儿行吗?

My idea is that we should leave early.───我的主意是我们应该及早出发.

We had to leave early.───我们非早些离开不可.

I want to leave early but it depends.───我想早早离开,但那要看情况才能定.


I was sort of hoping to leave early today.

Staff may not leave early without the express permission of the director.

No one will take offence if you leave early.

I have to leave early today.

I'll leave early so as to dodge the rush-hour.