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时间:2022-09-23 04:01:49 作者:学习啦 字数:2786字


Han Hui


韩会───Han Hui


Calf Got Married" is a particular Chinese story type, lt is going round with in Han, Man and Hui nationalities.───牛犊娶亲”是我国独有的一个故事类型,在我国汉、满、回等民族中广有流传。

Objective to investigate the Hui and han nationalities of the changes in bone metabolism in pregnant women and timely intervention measures to guide pregnant reasonable meal.───目的了解回、汉族孕妇骨代谢的变化情况,及时提出干预措施,指导孕妇合理膳食。

friendship between the Hui and Han villages has their roots in the soil of traditional socio-culture, it still has significant values in modern times.───回汉村庄的这种情谊扎根在传统社会文化的土壤中,具有不可忽略的现代价值。

Han Hui Di three years (formerly 192) for the East China Sea King (commonly known as East Ou Wang Zou shaking) are ground.───西汉惠帝三年(前192)为东海王(俗称东瓯王驺摇)都地。

"Songhua River" is a popular tenor ballad by Chang Han-hui to make in 1936.───《松花江上》是一首脍炙人口的男高音抒情歌曲,由张寒晖作于1936年。

A Comparative Study of Communicative Characteristics of Parent-Adolescent of Han, Hui, Dai Junior Middle School Students───汉、回、傣初中生亲子沟通特点的比较
