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时间:2022-09-23 12:02:08 作者:星火作文 字数:2388字


setting sun


夕阳───setting sun


The setting sun gilded the sky.───落日把天空染成金色.

The windows gleamed gold in the shine of the setting sun.───窗子在落日的余晖中金光闪闪.

The windows were shining in the reflected rays of the setting sun.───窗户上闪耀着落日的余晖。

Her brooch caught the rays of the setting sun.───落日余晖照射在她的胸针上.

The setting sun ensanguined the western sky.───落日将西边天空映成一片红色.

The setting sun flushed the mountain tops.───落日的余辉染红了山顶.

The river was illuminated by the setting sun.───这条河被落日照亮.


The light of the setting sun suffused the clouds.

Her brooch caught the rays of the setting sun.

The setting sun flushed the mountain tops.

The river was illuminated by the setting sun.

The setting sun reddened the whole sky.