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时间:2022-09-23 20:03:10 作者:星火作文 字数:2989字


White head


白头───White head


The rarest combination is the white - bodied dog with a white head as well.───最为少见的组合就是白头加白身.

Come on, little 'un," he said, turning the small woolly white head with a gentle brown hand.───来吧,小家伙。”他说着,用一只黝黑的手转过那毛茸茸的白色小脑袋。

Mok lightly juvenile white head, mournful air!───莫等闲白了少年头, 空悲切!

An old general's white head Is seen.───隐见一位老将军的白头。

With his white head and his loneliness he remained young and green at heart.───他虽然满头白发,孤单寂寞,但内心里却依然年青而充满生机.

When you old white head, sending thick.───当你年老白了头, 睡意稠.

The bride will wear a long white dress and a white head covering 11 called a veil 12.───新娘将穿上白色的长裙,戴上白色的头罩—面纱.

Remember Yue Fei's word for it: Mo lightly juvenile white head, empty sadness!───记住岳武穆的话吧: 莫等闲白了少年头, 空悲切!


A long, rather stark couch held neat piles of clean kandoras and white head scarves which were laid there daily.

The bride will wear a long white dress and a white head covering 11 called a veil 12.

The bald eagle is a large, powerful, brown bird with a white head and tail.

The bride wore a long white dress and a white head covering called a veil.

North American warbler having a black - and - white head.