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时间:2022-09-24 00:04:12 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2904字


The United States and China


美中───The United States and China


Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, the United States and China have been irrevocably brought together by this common problem.───无论我们是否承认,中美两国已经被这个共同的问题牢牢地捆在了一起。

And if they say, ah, you know, the United States and China, they're not serious about this, then they won't be serious either.───如果他们认为美国和中国并不认真对待这个问题,那么他们也就不会认真对待它。

If that day comes, the United States and China could end up in a trade war that only worsens the situation for both countries.───如果那一天果真到来,中美两国或许将陷入一场只会恶化两国经济局势的贸易大战。


The first service is the provision of all proprietary software needed to effectuate fund transfers between the United States and China.

In 2004, under the auspices of the U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade, the United States and China set up a joint working group to guide China toward market-economy status.

On January 1, diplomatic ties between the United States and China were at last established.

By May 1945, the United States and China were finally ready to assume the offensive in China.

Maintaining stable trilateral relations among Japan, the United States and China will become increasingly important.