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时间:2022-09-24 08:01:07 作者:语文迷 字数:2928字


Steamed bread with corn


馒头───Steamed buns;玉米───Corn


Fewer steamed buns were for sale at this Lianhua supermarket.───在联华超市出售较少馒头。

We have rice, noodles, steamed buns, dumplings or pancake.───主食有米饭 、 面条 、 馒头 、 饺子和煎饼等.

It was then certain that he came for these black steamed buns of broomcorn flour.───现在可以断定,他就是来拿这几个黑面馍的.

We can make steamed buns with the baking powder on the plates soon.───发粉在盆里呢,一会儿咱就包包子喽!

Steamed buns are a regular breakfast staple for Ms. Gao.───馒头是高小姐一种正常的早餐主食。

Steamed buns, dumplings and pancakes are popular in the north.───北方人吃馒头 、 饺子和煎饼比较多.

He has an enormous appetite, he can eat three steamed buns at one meal.───他的肚量可真大, 一顿饭可以吃三个馒头.

I love to eat steamed buns with minced meat stuffing.───我最爱吃肉馅儿包子.


The steamed buns are cold; let's heat them up.

We have rice, noodles, steamed buns, dumplings or pancake.

Famous Shanghai local snacks include steamed buns, sparerib rice cake, crab shell cake, etc. All of them are delicious, you may have a try.

The steamed buns fresh from the steamer were nice and warm.

Famous Shanghai local snacks include steamed buns, sparerib rice cake , crab shell cake, etc.